Savvy Assistant Raush Salhi

burnout, oversight, and lost time DO NOT belong in your career narrative

At Savvy Assistant, I do more than tackle tasks. I create practical efficiencies and custom optimizations built to last.


I have a zest for making life SIMPLER for the MODERN PROFESSIONAL

I’m a former integrated marketing and communications leader with over 15 years of international experience, a best friend to data, self-proclaimed master organizer (of everything), detail-obsessed queen, storyteller, unrelenting perfectionist, coffee with donut enthusiast, and a blunt human that always leads with grace. I’ve explored my talents within the tech, investment, media, advertising, and consumer brand spaces where I’ve supported CEOs, CFOs, CMOs, board members and visionaries at every level - experiences that have taught me one very important lesson - to truly own your day, week, month, and above all career, means working smarter not harder.

Enough about me. Let me know how I can help you be at your performance peak. Book a FREE 20-minute discovery call so we can chat!

Raush Salhi Savvy Assistant


driving real results for small and medium sized business owners, visionaries, and ENTREPRENEURS

Each minute you give to ‘busy’ work is costing you profit, progress, and a present life outside of the office. I invite you to stop. That’s right. Hand over your growing to-do list to me your virtual assistant, so you can start telling your time where to go instead of asking yourself where it went.


Delivering creative, discreet, bespoke support at every level so you can achieve whatever success looks like to you. Choose from a number of packages that fit exactly what you need when you need so you can get the most out of your budget.

Just enough time to catch your breath between meetings, take control of your calendar, and begin to tackle at least one of those long overdue items on your list that's collected dust.

the In-Betweener

Typing email savvy assistant


A bit more strategy, a bit more planning, and a few more hours to help you level up your efficiencies at scale so you can enjoy your weekends again. Ideal for someone in need of an executive partner who can lend some business acumen in addition to tackling those essential duties.

A perfect balance of wanting that full-time support without actually having to commit to hiring an employee. Morning, noon, and night you need a right hand ‘lady’ you can trust to take on the daily to-dos and alleviate extra pressure from your day-to-day…often before you even ask.

the DAILY Grind

Work from home savvy assistant

the AFTER Hours

A unique solution for the here-and-there one-offs that have a clear start to finish. Every project will have phased milestones making collaboration and approvals toward completion painless.

Got questions?

Read up on our most frequently asked questions.

Raush Salhi Savvy Assistant

Get in touch

Currently offering services on a project and time-availability basis.

Please fill in the questionnaire and I will get back to you as soon as possible. All inquiries will be sent to